6.Choose the options you want from the OCR window.
Languages in
The languages at the top of the list are your recent choices. Below that the languages are in alphabetical order. Type a letter to jump to one of the languages in the list.
The dictionary icon indicates a language with dictionary support available. The dictionary is consulted to help in the OCR process. It can also offer suggestions during proofing.
Click the menu arrow and select a user dictionary from the list. Any Microsoft Word user dictionaries detected on your computer system are also listed. A dictionary named Custom is your default Word dictionary.
To create a user dictionary, click the button next to the menu arrow. Click New, type a name for the dictionary, and click OK. Click Close and then choose your new dictionary from the list. It will be used during the OCR process. You add words to a dictionary during the proofreading process. To turn on the proofreading process for your scanned documents, see the OmniPage Pro 12 documentation.