To test the wireless part of the system and the RF Receiver, perform the two following tests: Transmitter Sniffer Mode and Go/NoGo Test Mode .
Make sure the system is disarmed before trying to enter this mode.
Key Installer code + # + 3. This initiates a procedure that will check that all 5700 series transmitters have been properly programmed.
Note: If the communicator is in the process of sending a report to the Central Station, the system will not go into the Sniffer mode. If so, wait a few minutes, and try again.
The keypad will display all zone numbers of wireless units programmed into the system. As the system receives a signal from each of the transmitters, the zone number of that transmitter will disappear from the display. The transmitter codes may be checked upon installation, or in an installed system.
All the wireless zone numbers should disappear after about
Note: Any transmitter that is not properly entered into the system will not turn off its zone number.
Exit the Transmitter Sniffer mode by keying Installer code + OFF.
By keying Installer code + # + 4 , a mode similar to the test mode is entered, but the wireless receiver gain is reduced. Checking in this mode not only assists in determining good mounting locations for the transmitters when the system is being installed, but also verifies that the RF transmission has sufficient signal amplitude margin for the installed system.
1.Enter the Installer Code + # + 4
2.Once transmitters are placed in their desired locations and the approximate length of wire to be run to sensors is connected to the transmitter's screw terminals, fault each transmitter.Do not conduct this test with your hand wrapped around the transmitter as this will cause inaccurate results.
•The keypad will beep three times to indicate signal reception.
•If the keypad does not beep,
3.Exit the G0/NoGo mode by keying Installer code + OFF.
Regular maintenance and inspection (at least annually) by the installer and frequent testing by the user are vital to continuous satisfactory operation of any alarm system.
The installer should assume the responsibility of developing and offering a regular maintenance program to the user as well as acquainting the user with the proper operation and limitations of the alarm system and its component parts. Recommendations must be included for a specific program of frequent testing (at least weekly) to insure the system's proper opera- tion at all times.
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