Chapter 3 | Menus |
The Main Screen SoftKeys undergo subtle changes based on the current process status. The table below describes the function of each of the possible SoftKeys on the Main Screen.
Next | Displays additional Main Menu options as described in Section |
Menu | 3.2. |
Quick | Displays the Quick Setup Menu of commonly changed process |
Setup | values. |
Process | Create, delete, and edit up to 25 processes. Also used to |
Menu | select the currently active process. When a process is running, |
| this selection is not available. |
Film | Create, delete, and edit up to 25 films. A film is basically a |
Menu | material, and may appear in several processes. |
System | Sets |
Params | the 8 digital inputs and 8 relays to process functions. |
Start | Each layer in a process can be defined as auto start or manual |
Layer | start. Auto start layers begin immediately on completion of the |
| previous layer. Manual start layers wait for the operator to |
| press the Start Layer SoftKey. |
Restart / StartNxt | During deposition, it may be necessary to halt a layer to correct |
Layer | a problem. These two SoftKeys allow the operator to either |
| restart the current layer or skip to the next layer. |
Stop | Temporarily halts deposition. Deposition is restarted with the |
Layer | Restart or Start Nxt keys. |
Start/Abort | Starts or aborts sequencing through the current process layers |
| and deposition cycles. Abort sets both outputs to zero, and |
| abandons the current process. |