Chapter 3 | Menus |
Quick Setup parameters are described below:
Initial Rate: The beginning rate of deposition for this layer.
Final Thickness: The desired final thickness of this layer. The deposition phase of this layer will end when this thickness is reached.
P Term: Sets the gain of the control loop. High gains yield more responsive (but potentially unstable) loops. Try a value of 50, then gradually increase/decrease the value to respond to step changes in rate setpoint.
I Term: The integral term controls the time constant of the loop response. A small I term, say .5 to 1 seconds, will smooth the response of most loops.
D Term: The differential term causes the loop to respond quickly to changes. Use 0 or a very small value to avoid oscillations.
Sensor 1: Allows quartz crystal Sensor 1 to be turned on or off for the selected layer. If more than one sensor is assigned to a layer, their readings are averaged. If multiple sensors are assigned to a layer, and one fails, it is excluded from measurements.
Output: Selects the control voltage output that is active for the selected layer.
Max Power: The maximum output power allowed for the selected output. The Scale output voltage is a function of the deposition power supply input specifications, and is set in the System Parameters menu. Max Power controls the maximum power that can be used by this process layer.
Slew Rate: The maximum power change allowed on an output, per second. If power or rate ramps exceed this value, an error will occur.
Material: Selects a material assigned to this film. As materials change, their density and
Density: Sets the density for this material. Material density has a significant impact on deposition calculations.