Brother MA4-N31 Safety Instructions, Safety indications and their meanings, Indications, Symbols

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Thank you very much for buying a BROTHER sewing machine. Before using your new machine, please read the safety instructions below and the explanations given in the instruction manual.

With industrial sewing machines, it is normal to carry out work while positioned directly in front of moving parts such as the needle and thread take-up lever, and consequently there is always a danger of injury that can be caused by these parts. Follow the instructions from training personnel and instructors regarding safe and correct operation before oper- ating the machine so that you will know how to use it correctly.


1. Safety indications and their meanings

This instruction manual and the indications and symbols that are used on the machine itself are provided in order to ensure safe operation of this machine and to prevent accidents and injury to yourself or other people.

The meanings of these indications and symbols are given below.


The instructions which follow this term indicate situations where failure to follow the CAUTION instructions could cause injury when using the machine or physical damage to equip-

ment and surroundings.


................ This symbol ( ) indicates something that you should be careful of. The picture inside the triangle

indicates the nature of the caution that must be taken.

(For example, the symbol at left means “beware of injury”.)

................ This symbol (

) indicates something that you must not do.

................ This symbol (

) indicates something that you must do. The picture inside the circle indicates the

nature of the thing that must be done.

(For example, the symbol at left means “you must make the ground connection”.)


EF4-N11, N21, MA4-N31 (English)

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Contents EF4-N11, N21 Symbols Safety InstructionsSafety indications and their meanings IndicationsInstallation Environmental requirementsSewing CleaningMaintenance and inspection Sicherheitshinweise und ihre Bedeutung SymboleSicherheitshinweise HinweiseMontage AchtungBetriebsbedingungen Hinweise zur SicherheitWartung und Inspektion NähenReinigen Indications de sécurité et leur signification SymbolesInstructions DE Securite Nécessités d’environnement Remarques concernant la sécuritéEntretien et vérification CoutureNettoyage Indicaciones Instrucciones DE SeguridadIndicaciones de seguridad y sus significados SímbolosInstalación AtencionRequisitos ambientales Notas sobre seguridadMantenimiento e inspección CosturaLimpieza XiiEtiquettes d’avertissement Warnschilder Etiquetas de advertenciaXiv Contents Table DES Matieres Indice DEL Contenido EF4-N11 Installation Montage Instalación Installation Montage Instalación Diagrama de preparación de la mesa Table preparation diagramDiagramme de préparation de la table Nähtischzeichnung0660Q Installation Montage Instalación Mount the belt q on the machine pulley w, and then Instalación el soporte de carretes Lubrication Schmierung Lubrification Lubricacion Lubrication Schmierung Adding oil Einfüllen von ÖlAjout d’huile Para agregar aceite Lubrification LubricaciónChanging the oil Vidange d’huile Ölwechsel Cambio del aceite EF4-N11, N21, MA4-N31 EF4-N11, N21, MA4-N31 Remplacement de l’aiguille Cambio de la aguja Replacing the needle Auswechseln der NadelThreading Einfädeln Enfilage MA4-N31 5 threads, 5 fäden, 5 fils, 5 hilosThread tension Tension du fil Fadenspannung Tensión del hiloGuide de fil d’aiguille Needle thread guideLooper thread guide Guide de fil de boucleurRaise anheben Relever Levantar Correct Operation Adjusting the differential feed Erhöhen der Stichbreite To increase the fancy stitch widthTo decrease the fancy stitch width Vermindern der StichbreitePara aumentar el ancho de la puntada de fantasía Pour augmenter la largeur de point décoratifPour diminuer la largeur de point décoratif Para disminuir el ancho de la puntada de fantasíaEF4-N11, N21, MA4-N31 EF4-N11, N21, MA4-N31 Dimension H Needle guard F adjustment Under looper adjustmentMovable needle guard adjustment Unterer GreiferRéglage du garde-aiguille F Réglage du boucleur inférieurRéglage du garde-aiguille amovible Ajuste de ojo-guía inferiorOver looper adjustment Oberer Greifer Ajuste del ojo-guía superiorDouble chain stitch looper adjustment Presser foot adjustment Stoffdrückerfuß Réglage du pied presseur Ajuste del pie del prensatelas0717Q Option Sonderausrüstung Opcion Troubleshooting Fehlersuche Achtung Guide DU Dépannage Localización DE Averías Atencion 15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8561, Japan. Phone