Language Dictionar y - 8
This command enters a calibration value that you obtain by reading an external meter. You must first
select a calibration level (with CALibrate:LEVel) for the value being entered.
Command Syntax CALibrate:DATA<NRf>
Parameters <external reading>


Examples CAL:DATA 3222.3 MA CAL:DATA 5.000
Related Commands CAL: STAT CAL:LEV
Use this command to store the date that the unit was last calibrated. You can enter any ASCII string up to
10 characters.
Command Syntax CALibrate:DATE <date>
Parameters <date>
Examples CAL:DATE "3/22/99" CAL:DATE "22.3.99"
Query Syntax CALibrate:DATE?
Returned Parameters <SRD>
Agilent 66311D/66309D only
This command initiates the calibration of the DVM.
Command Syntax CALibrate:DVM
Parameters None
Examples CAL:DVM
This command selects the next point in the calibration sequence. P1 is the first calibration point,
P2 is the second calibration point.
Command Syntax CALibrate:LEVel <point>
Parameters P1 | P2
Examples CAL:LEV P2
This command lets you change the calibration password. A new password is automatically stored in
nonvolatile memory and does not have to be stored with CALibrate:SAVE. If the password is set to 0,
password protection is removed and the ability to enter the calibration mode is unrestricted.
Command Syntax CALibrate:PASScode<NRf>
Parameters <model number> (default)
Examples CAL:PASS 6812
Related Commands CAL: SAV