AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual

Router1# show version

GS Software, Version 9.0(1)

Copyright (c) 1986-1992 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 14-Feb-92 12:37

System Bootstrap, Version 4.3

Router1 uptime is 2 days, 10 hours, 0 minute System restarted by reload

System image file is unknown, booted via tftp from

Host configuration file is "thor-boots", booted via tftp from Network configuration file is "network-confg", booted via tftp from

CSC3 (68020) processor with 4096K bytes of memory. X.25 software.

Bridging software.

1 MCI controller (2 Ethernet, 2 Serial).

2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface.

2 Serial network interface.

32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. Configuration register is 0x0

Router1# configure terminal Router1(config)# config-register 0xF ^Z

Router1# reload

Specify the Startup Configuration File

Configuration files can be stored on network servers. You can config- ure the router to automatically request and receive two configuration files from the network server at startup:

zNetwork configuration fil

zHost configuration file

The server first attempts to load the network configuration file. This file contains information shared among several routers. For example, you can use it to provide mapping between IP addresses and host names.

The second file the server attempts to load is the host configuration file, containing commands applicable to one router in particular. Both the network and host configuration files must reside on a network server reachable via TFTP and must be readable.

You can specify an ordered list of network configuration and host con- figuration filenames. The Cisco IOS software scans this list until it successfully loads the appropriate network or host configuration file.

Page 7-18

August 1997



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AIS AI2524 user manual Specify the Startup Configuration File