AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual

12.Set the outgoing excess burst size (Be). frame-relay be out bits

13.Set the idle timeout interval. frame-relayidle-timerduration

You can define multiple map classes. A map class is associated with a static map, not with the interface or subinterface. Because of the flex- ibility this association allows, you can define different map classes fo different destinations.

Configure a Map Group with E.164 or X.121 Addresses

After you have defined a map group for an interface, you can associate the map group with a specific source and destination address, such as E.164 or X.121 addresses. In global configuration mode, specify th map group for a specific interface:

map-list group-namesource-addr {e164 x121} source-addressdest-addr {e164

x121} destination-address

Associate the Map Class with Static Protocol Address Maps

To define the protocol addresses under a map-listcommand and associate each protocol address with a specified map class, use the class command for each protocol address. In map class configura- tion mode, associate a map class with a protocol address:

protocol protocol-address class class-name

[ietf] [broadcast [trigger]]

The ietf keyword specifies RFC 1490 encapsulation; th broad- cast keyword specifies that broadcasts must be carried. The trig- ger keyword, which can be configured only if broadcast is also configured, enables a broadcast packet to trigger an SVC. If an SVC already exists that uses this map class, the SVC will carry the broad cast.

Configure LAPF Parameters

Frame Relay Link Access Procedure for Frame Relay (LAPF) com- mands are used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the de- fault settings. However, if the Frame Relay network indicates that it does not support the Frame Reject frame (FRMR) at the LAPF Fram In interface configuration mode, reject procedure:

no frame-relay lapf frmr

Page 13-12

August 1997



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Image 328
AIS AI2524 Configure a Map Group with E.164 or X.121 Addresses, Associate the Map Class with Static Protocol Address Maps