Chapter 2: AI2524 Overview
August 1997 Page 2-7
Connections External Connection Requirements
The AI2524 provides LAN and WAN access in a modular router plat-
form. The router includes an Ethernet (AUI or 10BaseT ) LAN connec-
tion, and accommodates two synchronous serial modules.
The synchronous serial WAN modules include t hese external connec-
zFour-wire 56/64-kbps DSU/CSU WAN module with an RJ-48S
zFractional T1/T1 DSU/CSU WAN module with an RJ-48C con-
zFive-in-one synchronous serial WAN module with a DB-60 serial
connector. The five-in-one synchronous serial interface supports
the following signaling standards: EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449,
V.35, X.21, and EIA-530