Chapter 8: AI2524 Protocol Configuration Steps

Chapter 8: AI2524 Protocol Configuration Steps






This chapter describes the AI2524 protocol configuration steps for th OSPF TCP/IP, IGRP TCP/IP and RIP TCP/IP.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is an IGP designed expressly for IP networks. OSPF supports IP subnetting and tagging of externally de- rived routing information. OSPF also allows packet authentication and uses IP multicast when sending/receiving packets.

OSPF typically requires coordination among many internal routers, area border routers (routers connected to multiple areas), and autono- mous system boundary routers. At a minimum, OSPF-based routers or access servers can be configured with all default parameter values, no authentication, and interfaces assigned to areas. If you plan to custom- ize your environment, ensure coordinated configurations of all routers.

To configure OSPF, complete these tasks. You must enable OSPF; the other tasks are optional, but might be required for your application.

zEnable OSPF

zConfigure OSPF Interface Parameters

zConfigure OSPF over Different Physical Networks

zConfigure OSPF Area Parameters

zConfigure OSPF Not So Stubby Area (NSSA

zConfigure Route Summarization between OSPF Areas

zConfigure Route Summarization When Redistributing Routes into


zCreate Virtual Links

zGenerate a Default Route

zConfigure Lookup of DNS Names

zForce the Router ID Choice with a Loopback Interfac

zDisable Default OSPF Metric Calculation Based on Bandwidth

zConfigure OSPF on Simplex Ethernet Interfaces

August 1997

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AIS user manual AI2524 Protocol Configuration Steps