AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual

To accept the default answer, press <Enter>; otherwise enter your re- sponse.

This section gives an example configuration using the System Config- uration Dialog. When you are configuring your router, respond as ap propriate for your network.

At any time during the System Configuration Dialog, you can request help by typing a question mark (?) at a prompt.

Before proceeding with the System Configuration Dialog, obtain from your system administrator the node addresses and the number of bits in the subnet field (if applicable) of the Ethernet and synchronous se- rial ports.

Take these steps to configure the router using the System Configura tion Dialog:

1.Connect a console terminal to the console connector on the rear panel of your router, and turn ON power to the router. (For mor information, refer to the section Connecting the Console Terminal and Modem in the chapter Installing the Cisco 2524 Routers.)

The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits.

2.After about 30 seconds, information similar to this is displayed on the console screen.

The messages displayed vary, depending on the Cisco IOS releas and feature set you selected. The screen displays in this section are for reference only and may not exactly reflect the screen displays on your console.

When you see this information, you have successfully booted your router:

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August 1997



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AIS user manual AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual