AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual
Page 9-14 August 1997
4. Configure the NET for the process in area 4,
domai n47.0004.004d:
net 47.0004.004d.0004.0000.0C00.0506.00
5. Specify iso-igrp routing on interface ethernet 0 using the tag cap-
interface ethernet 0
clns router iso-igrp capricorn
6. Specify iso-igrp routing on interface ethernet 1 u si ng t he tags cap-
ricorn and cancer:
interface ethernet 1
clns router iso-igrp capricorn
clns router iso-igrp cancer
7. Specify iso-igrp routing on interface ethernet 2 using the tag can-
interface ethernet 2
clns router iso-igrp cancer