AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual
Page 7-8 August 1997
cess to copy a different configuration to the router that is stored on a
network server.
You can copy a configuration file from a TFTP server to th e running
configuration or to the startup configuration. When you copy a config-
uration file to the running configuration, you copy to and run the file
from RAM.
When you copy a configuration file to the startup configuration, you
copy it to the nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM).
To copy a configuration file f rom a TFTP server to the router, com-
plete these tasks from EXE C mode:
1. Copy a file from a TFTP server to the router.
copy tftp {running-config | startup-config}
2. When prompted, enter the server IP addre ss or domain name.
3. If prompted, enter t h e filename of the server system image.
Change the Buffer Size for Loading Configuration Files
The buffer that holds the configuration commands is generally the size
of NVRAM. Complex configurations might need a larger configura
tion file buffer size. To change the buffer size:
1. Enter configuration mode from the terminal.
configure terminal
2. Change the buffer size to use for bootin g a host or network config-
uration file from a network server.
boot buffersize
3. To exit configuration mode, pres s <Ct r l-Z>.