Chapter 13: AI2524 Frame Relay Configuration Steps

Define a Map Class with Queuing and Traffic Shaping


When you define a map class for Frame Relay, you can define the av- erage and peak rates (in bits per second) allowed on virtual circuits as- sociated with the map class. You can also specify either a custom queue-list or a priority queue-group to use on virtual circuits associ- ated with the map class (optional).

Beginning in global configuration mode, define a map class:

1.Specify a map class to define.

map-class frame-relay map-class-name

2.Define the traffic rate for the map class. frame-relaytraffic-rateaverage [peak]

3.Specify a custom queue-list.

frame-relay custom-queue-list number

4.Specify a priority queue-list. frame-relaypriority-groupnumber

Define Access Lists

You can specify access lists and associate them with the custom queue-list defined for any map class. The list number specified in th access list and the custom queue list tie them together.

See the appropriate protocol chapters for information about defining access lists for the protocols you want to transmit on the Frame Relay network.

Define Priority Queue Lists for the Map Class

You can define a priority list for a protocol and a default priority list.

The number used for a specific priority list ties the list to the Frame

Relay priority group defined for a specified map class.

For example, if you enter th frame relay priority-group

2 command for the map class fast_vcs and then you enter th prior- ity-list 2 protocol decnet high command, that priority list is used for the fast_vcs map class. The average and peak traffic rates defined for the fast_vcs map class are used for traffic.

August 1997

Page 13-15



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Image 331
AIS AI2524 Define Access Lists, Define Priority Queue Lists for the Map Class, Frame-relay custom-queue-list number