Task 11: Perform Initial DEFINITY LAN
Gateway Administration
This task is required for all installation scenarios. There are two parts to this task:
Task 11A: Set the DEFINITY LAN Gateway Clock
Task 11B: Assign the DEFINITY LAN Gateway Machine ID (Optional)
Task 11A: Set the DEFINITY LAN Gateway
1.At the login prompt, enter craft. The system displays the Password prompt.
2.Enter the default password for the craft login. The system displays Enter terminal type .
3.Enter one of the following:
513 for a 513 BCT or 715 BCT; enter 513 also for a 610/615 BCT or a PC with a 513 emulation package. (Since 513 is the default, you can just press Return to select it.)
4410 for a 4410 or 5410 terminal; enter 4410 also for a 610/615 BCT or a PC with a 4410 emulation package.
4425 for a 4425 or 5425 terminal
5420 for a 5420 or 4415 terminal
vt220 (or other terminal listed in Appendix B)
4. The system displays the DEFINITY LAN Gateway Main Menu.