System Administration
Network Routing Information — Network
Routing Daemon
TCP/IP Administration
Network Routing Information
Network Routing Daemon
Network routing daemon state: ___
This line is used to provide abbreviated help on the currently selected field.
Screen 3-10. Network Routing Daemon
This screen is used to view and change the state of the network routing daemon. The Network routing daemon state field is filled in when the screen first appears.
Field Name | Description |
Network routing | Either on or off. When on, the network routing |
daemon state | daemon can automatically find routes to other |
| networks. Default=on. |
Use this screen as follows:
If you don’t want to change the network routing daemon state, press
CANCEL to exit the screen.
If you want to change the network routing daemon state, press STATE to change the state.
The following prompt appears: Are You Sure? (Y/N) . Type Y and press Return . The screen reappears with the new state displayed.
Issue 1 January 1996