Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Getting Started
This chapter describes how to get started with your ASA. This chapter includes the following sections:
Accessing the Appliance Command-Line Interface, page2-1
Configuring ASDM Access for Appliances, page2-2
Starting ASDM, page 2-6
Factory Default Configurations, page2-10
Working with the Configuration, page2-15
Applying Configuration Changes to Connections, page2-19

Accessing the Appliance Command-Line Interface

For initial configuration, access the CLI directly from the console port. Later, you can configure remote
access using Telnet or SSH according to Chapter37, “Configuring Management Access.” If your system
is already in multiple context mode, then accessing the console port places you in the system execution
space. See Chapter 5, “Configuring Multiple Context Mode,” for more information about multiple
context mode.
Detailed Steps
Step1 Connect a PC to the console port using the provided console cable, and connect to the console using a
terminal emulator set for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
See the hardware guide for your ASA for more information about the console cable.
Step2 Press the Enter key to see the following prompt:
This prompt indicates that you are in user EXEC mode. Only basic commands are available from user
EXEC mode.
Step3 To access privileged EXEC mode, enter the following command:
hostname> enable
The following prompt appears: