Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
CA Certificate Authority, Certification Authority. A third-party entity that is responsible for issuing and
revoking certificates. Each device with the public key of the CA can authenticate a device that has a
certificate issued by the CA. The term CA also refers to software that provides CA services. See also
certificate, CRL, public key, RA.
cache A temporary repository of information accumulated from previous task executions that can be reused,
decreasing the time required to perform the tasks. Caching stores frequently reused objects in the system
cache, which reduces the need to perform repeated rewriting and compressing of content.
CBC Cipher Block Chaining. A cryptographic technique that increases the encryption strength of an
algorithm. CBC requires an initialization vector (IV) to start encryption. The IV is explicitly given in
the IPsec packet.
certificate A signed cryptographic object that contains the identity of a user or device and the public key of the
CA that issued the certificate. Certificates have an expiration date and may also be placed on a CRL if
known to be compromised. Certificates also establish non-repudiation for IKE negotiation, which
means that you can prove to a third party that IKE negotiation was completed with a specific peer.
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
CIFS Common Internet File System. It is a platform-independent file sharing system that provides users with
network access to files, printers, and other machine resources. Microsoft implemented CIFS for
networks of Windows computers, however, open source implementations of CIFS provide file access
to servers running other operating systems, such as Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X.
Citrix An application that virtualizes client-server applications and optimizes web applications.
CLI command-line interface. The primary interface for entering configuration and monitoring commands
to the ASA.
Distributed computing (processing) network systems in which transaction responsibilities are divided
into two parts: client (front end) and server (back end). Also called distributed computing. See also
Client update Lets you update revisions of clients to which the update applies; provide a URL or IP address from
which to get the update; and, in the case of Windows clients, optionally notify users that they should
update their VPN client version.
configuration mode
From global configuration mode, some commands enter a command-specific configuration mode. All
user EXEC, privileged EXEC, global configuration, and command-specific configuration commands
are available in this mode. See also global configuration mode, privileged EXEC mode, user EXEC
compression The process of encoding information using fewer bits or other information-bearing units than an
unencoded representation would use. Compression can reduce the size of transferring packets and
increase communication performance.
config, config file
A file on the ASA that represents the equivalent of settings, preferences, and properties administered
by ASDM or the CLI.