Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter56 Configuring Threat Detection
Configuring Advanced Threat Detection Statistics
The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics host command:
hostname# show threat-detection statistics host
Average(eps) Current(eps) Trigger Total events
Host: tot-ses:289235 act-ses:22571 fw-drop:0 insp-drop:0 null-ses:21438 bad-acc:0
1-hour Sent byte: 2938 0 0 10580308
8-hour Sent byte: 367 0 0 10580308
24-hour Sent byte: 122 0 0 10580308
1-hour Sent pkts: 28 0 0 104043
8-hour Sent pkts: 3 0 0 104043
24-hour Sent pkts: 1 0 0 104043
20-min Sent drop: 9 0 1 10851
1-hour Sent drop: 3 0 1 10851
1-hour Recv byte: 2697 0 0 9712670
8-hour Recv byte: 337 0 0 9712670
24-hour Recv byte: 112 0 0 9712670
1-hour Recv pkts: 29 0 0 104846
8-hour Recv pkts: 3 0 0 104846
24-hour Recv pkts: 1 0 0 104846
20-min Recv drop: 42 0 3 50567
1-hour Recv drop: 14 0 1 50567
Host: tot-ses:1 act-ses:0 fw-drop:0 insp-drop:0 null-ses:0 bad-acc:0
1-hour Sent byte: 0 0 0 614
8-hour Sent byte: 0 0 0 614
24-hour Sent byte: 0 0 0 614
1-hour Sent pkts: 0 0 0 6
8-hour Sent pkts: 0 0 0 6
24-hour Sent pkts: 0 0 0 6
20-min Sent drop: 0 0 0 4
1-hour Sent drop: 0 0 0 4
1-hour Recv byte: 0 0 0 706
8-hour Recv byte: 0 0 0 706
24-hour Recv byte: 0 0 0 706
1-hour Recv pkts: 0 0 0 7
Table56-3 shows each field description.
show threat-detection statistics
[min-display-rate min_display_rate]
protocol [protocol_number | ah | eigrp |
esp | gre | icmp | igmp | igrp | ip |
ipinip | ipsec | nos | ospf | pcp | pim |
pptp | snp | tcp | udp]
Displays statistics for all IP protocols or for a specific protocol.
The protocol_number argument is an integer between 0 and 255.
show threat-detection memory Displays how much memory is used by advanced threat detection
Command Purpose
Table56-3 show threat-detection statistics host Command Fields
Field Description
Host Shows the host IP address.
tot-ses Shows the total number of sessions for this host since it was added to the
act-ses Shows the total number of active sessions that the host is currently involved in.