Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter5 Configuring Multiple Context Mode
Monitoring Security Contexts
Table 5 -3 shows each field description.
The following is sample output from the show resource allocation detail command:
hostname# show resource allocation detail
Resource Origin:
A Value was derived from the resource 'all'
C Value set in the definition of this class
D Value set in default class
Resource Class Mmbrs Origin Limit Total Total %
Conns [rate] default all CA unlimited
gold 1 C 34000 34000 N/A
silver 1 CA 17000 17000 N/A
bronze 0 CA 8500
All Contexts: 3 51000 N/A
Inspects [rate] default all CA unlimited
gold 1 DA unlimited
silver 1 CA 10000 10000 N/A
bronze 0 CA 5000
All Contexts: 3 10000 N/A
Syslogs [rate] default all CA unlimited
gold 1 C 6000 6000 N/A
silver 1 CA 3000 3000 N/A
bronze 0 CA 1500
All Contexts: 3 9000 N/A
Conns default all CA unlimited
gold 1 C 200000 200000 20.00%
silver 1 CA 100000 100000 10.00%
bronze 0 CA 50000
All Contexts: 3 300000 30.00%
Hosts default all CA unlimited
gold 1 DA unlimited
silver 1 CA 26214 26214 N/A
bronze 0 CA 13107
All Contexts: 3 26214 N/A
SSH default all C 5
gold 1 D 5 5 5.00%
silver 1 CA 10 10 10.00%
bronze 0 CA 5
All Contexts: 3 20 20.00%
Telnet default all C 5
Table5-3 show resource allocation Fields
Field Description
Resource The name of the resource that you can limit.
Total The total amount of the resource that is allocated across all contexts. The amount
is an absolute number of concurrent instances or instances per second. If you
specified a percentage in the class definition, the ASA converts the percentage to
an absolute number for this display.
% of Avail The percentage of the total system resources that is allocated across all contexts, if
the resource has a hard system limit. If a resource does not have a system limit, this
column shows N/A.