Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter41 Configuring Digital Certificates
Configuring Digital Certificates
Debugging the Local CA Server
To debug the newly configured local CA server, perform the following steps:
Disabling the Local CA Server
To disable the local CA server, perform the following steps:
Deleting the Local CA Server
To delete an existing local CA server (either enabled or disabled), enter one of the following commands:
Command Purpose
Step1 crypto ca server
hostname (config)# crypto ca server
Enters local ca server configuration mode. Allows
you to configure and manage a local CA.
Step2 debug crypto ca server
hostname (config-ca-server )# debug crypto ca server
Displays debugging messages when you configure
and enable the local CA server. Performs level 1
debugging functions; levels 1-255 are available.
Note Debugging commands might slow down
traffic on busy networks. Levels 5 and higher
are reserved for raw data dumps and should
be avoided during normal debugging because
of excessive output.
Command Purpose
Step1 crypto ca server
hostname (config)# crypto ca server
Enters local ca server configuration mode. Allows
you to configure and manage a local CA.
Step2 shutdown
hostname (config-ca-server )# shutdown
INFO: Local CA Server has been shutdown.
Disables the local CA server. Disables website
enrollment and allows you to modify the local CA
server configuration. Stores the current configuration
and associated files. After initial startup, you can
reenable the local CA without being prompted for the
Command Purpose
Do one of the following: