Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter51 Configuring Cisco Unified Presence
Configuring Cisco Unified Presence Proxy for SIP Federation
What to Do Next
Install the certificate on the local entity truststore. You could also enroll the certificate with a local CA
trusted by the local entity. See the “Installing Certificates” section on page51-10.
Installing Certificates
Export the self-signed certificate for the ASA created in the “Creating Trustpoints and Generating
Certificates” section on page51-9 and install it as a trusted certificate on the local entity. This task is
necessary for local entity to authenticate the ASA.
To create a proxy certificate on the ASA that is trusted by the remote entity, obtain a certificate from a
trusted CA. For information about obtaining a certificate from a trusted CA, see the “Configuring Digital
Certificates” section on page41-9.
Command Purpose
Step1 hostname(config)# crypto key generate rsa label
key-pair-label modulus size
crypto key generate rsa label ent_y_proxy_key
modulus 1024
INFO: The name for the keys will be: ent_y_proxy_key
Keypair generation process begin. Please wait...
Creates the RSA keypair that can be used for the
The keypair is used by the self-signed certificate
presented to the local domain containing the Cisco
UP (proxy for the remote entity).
Step2 hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint
hostname(config)# crypto ca trustpoint ent_y_proxy
Enters the trustpoint configuration mode for the
specified trustpoint so that you can create the
trustpoint for the remote entity.
A trustpoint represents a CA identity and possibly a
device identity, based on a certificate issued by the
Step3 hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# enrollment self Generates a self-signed certificate.
Step4 hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# fqdn none Specifies not to include a fully qualified domain
name (FQDN) in the Subject Alternative Name
extension of the certificate during enrollment.
Step5 hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# subject-name
hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# subject-name
Includes the indicated subject DN in the certificate
during enrollment
Step6 hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# keypair keyname
hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# keypair
Specifies the key pair whose public key is to be
Step7 hostname(config-ca-trustpoint)# exit Exits from the CA Trustpoint configuration mode.
Step8 hostname(config)# crypto ca enroll trustpoint
hostname(config)# crypto ca enroll ent_y_proxy
Starts the enrollment process with the CA and
specifies the name of the trustpoint to enroll with.