Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter74 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Translating the Language of User Messages
Smart tunnel requires either ActiveX or JRE on Windows and Java Web Start on Mac OS.
You must enable cookies on the browser. (By default, they are enabled.)
You must install Sun Microsystems Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.x and 1.5.x.
You must enable Javascript on the browser. (By default, it is enabled.)
Mac OS does not support a front-side proxy.
Supports only the operating systems and browsers specified in “Logging Off Smart
TunnelConfiguring Smart Tunnel Access” section on page74-48.
Only TCP socket-based applications are supported.
Translating the Language of User Messages
The ASA provides language translation for the portal and screens displayed to users that initiate
browser-based, clientless SSL VPN connections, as well as the interface displayed to Cisco AnyConnect
VPN Client users.
This section describes how to configure the ASA to translate these user messages and includes the
following sections:
Understanding Language Translation, page74-115
Creating Translation Tables, page74-116
Referencing the Language in a Customization Object, page 74-118
Changing a Group Policy or User Attributes to Use the Customization Object, page74-120

Understanding Language Translation

Functional areas and their messages that are visible to remote users are organized into translation
domains. Table74-11 shows the translation domains and the functional areas translated.
Tab le 74- 11 Tra ns la ti on Do m ai ns an d Functional Areas Affected
Translation Domain Functional Areas Translated
AnyConnect Messages displayed on the user interface of the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.
CSD Messages for Cisco Secure Desktop.
customization Messages on the logon and logout pages, portal page, and all the messages
customizable by the user.
banners Banners displayed to remote users and messages when VPN access is denied.
PortForwarder Messages displayed to Port Forwarding users.
url-list Text that user specifies for URL bookmarks on the portal page.
webvpn All the layer 7, AAA and portal messages that are not customizable.
plugin-ica Messages for the Citrix plug-in.