Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter3 Managing Feature Licenses
Supported Feature Licenses Per Model
ASA 5550
VPN Load Balancing Supported
General Licenses
Encryption Base (DES) Optional license: Strong (3DES/AES)
Failover Active/Standby or Active/Active
Interfaces of all types, Max. 840
Security Contexts 2 Optional licenses: 510 20 50
VLANs, Maximum 200
Table3-4 ASA 5540 License Features (continued)
Licenses Description (Base License in Plain Text)
Table3-5 ASA 5550 License Features
Licenses Description (Base License in Plain Text)
Firewall Licenses
Botnet Traffic Filter Disabled Optional Time-based license: Available
Firewall Conns, Concurrent 650,000
GTP/GPRS Disabled Optional license: Available
Intercompany Media Eng. Disabled Optional license: Available
UC Phone Proxy Sessions 2 Optional licenses:
24 50 100 250 500 750 1000 2000 3000
VPN Licenses
Adv. Endpoint Assessment Disabled Optional license: Available
AnyConnect for Cisco VPN
Disabled Optional license: Available
AnyConnect Essentials Disabled Optional license: Available (5000 sessions)
AnyConnect for Mobile Disabled Optional license: Available
AnyConnect Premium
2Optional Permanent or Time-based licenses:
10 25 50 100 250 500 750 1000 2500 5000
Optional Shared licenses: Participant or Server. For the Server:
500-50,000 in increments of 500 50,000-545,000 in increments of 1000
Total VPN (sessions),
combined all types
Other VPN (sessions) 5000
VPN Load Balancing Supported
General Licenses
Encryption Base (DES) Optional license: Strong (3DES/AES)
Failover Active/Standby or Active/Active
Interfaces of all types, Max. 1640