Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Configuring the Cisco Phone Proxy
This chapter describes how to configure the adaptive security appliance for Cisco Phone Proxy feature.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Information About the Cisco Phone Proxy, page 48-1
Licensing Requirements for the Phone Proxy, page 48-4
Prerequisites for the Phone Proxy, page48-6
Phone Proxy Guidelines and Limitations, page48-12
Configuring the Phone Proxy, page48-14
Troubleshooting the Phone Proxy, page48-27
Configuration Examples for the Phone Proxy, page48-43
Feature History for the Phone Proxy, page48-53

Information About the Cisco Phone Proxy

The Cisco Phone Proxy on the ASA bridges IP telephony between the corporate IP telephony network
and the Internet in a secure manner by forcing data from remote phones on an untrusted network to be

Phone Proxy Functionality

Telecommuters can connect their IP phones to the corporate IP telephony network over the Internet
securely via the phone proxy without the need to connect over a VPN tunnel as illustrated by
Figure 48-1.