Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Adding an IPv6 Access List
This chapter describes how to configure IPv6 access lists to control and filter traffic through the ASA.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Information About IPv6 Access Lists, page 19-1
Licensing Requirements for IPv6 Access Lists, page 19-1
Prerequisites for Adding IPv6 Access Lists, page 19-2
Guidelines and Limitations, page19-2
Default Settings, page19-3
Configuring IPv6 Access Lists, page19-4
Monitoring IPv6 Access Lists, page19-7
Configuration Examples for IPv6 Access Lists, page19-7
Where to Go Next, page19-7
Feature History for IPv6 Access Lists, page 19-7

Information About IPv6 Access Lists

The typical access list functionality in IPv6 is similar to access lists in IPv4. Access lists determine
which traffic to block and which traffic to forward at router interfaces. Access lists allow filtering based
upon source and destination addresses, inbound and outbound to specific interfaces. Each access list has
an implicit deny statement at the end. You define IPv6 access lists and set their deny and permit
conditions using the ipv6 access-list command with the deny and permit keywords in global
configuration mode.

Licensing Requirements for IPv6 Access Lists

The following table shows the licensing requirements for this feature:
Model License Requirement
All models Base License.