Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter79 Configuring SNMP
Configuration Examples for SNMP
0 Get-bulk PDUs
0 Set-request PDUs (Not supported)
0 SNMP packets output
0 Too big errors (Maximum packet size 512)
0 No such name errors
0 Bad values errors
0 General errors
0 Response PDUs
0 Trap PDUs
The following example shows how to display the SNMP server running configuration:
hostname(config)# show running-config snmp-server
no snmp-server location
no snmp-server contact
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
Configuration Examples for SNMP
This section includes the following topics:
Configuration Example for SNMP Versions 1 and 2c, page79-28
Configuration Example for SNMP Version 3, page79-28

Configuration Example for SNMP Versions 1 and 2c

The following example shows how the ASA can receive SNMP requests from host on the
inside interface but does not send any SNMP syslog requests to any host:
hostname(config)# snmp-server host
hostname(config)# snmp-server location building 42
hostname(config)# snmp-server contact EmployeeA
hostname(config)# snmp-server community ohwhatakeyisthee

Configuration Example for SNMP Version 3

The following example shows how the ASA can receive SNMP requests using the SNMP Version 3
security model, which requires that the configuration follow this specific order: group, followed by user,
followed by host:
hostname(config)# snmp-server group v3 vpn-group priv
hostname(config)# snmp-server user admin vpn group v3 auth sha letmein priv 3des cisco123
hostname(config)# snmp-server host mgmt version 3 priv admin