Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter39 Configuring Filtering Services
Monitoring Filtering Statistics
Monitoring Filtering Statistics
To monitor filtering statistics, enter one of the following commands:
The following is sample output from the show url-server command:
hostname# show url-server
url-server (outside) vendor n2h2 host port 4005 timeout 5 protocol TCP
The following is sample output from the show url-server statistics command:
hostname# show url-server statistics
Global Statistics:
URLs total/allowed/denied 13/3/10
URLs allowed by cache/server 0/3
URLs denied by cache/server 0/10
HTTPSs total/allowed/denied 138/137/1
HTTPSs allowed by cache/server 0/137
HTTPSs denied by cache/server 0/1
FTPs total/allowed/denied 0/0/0
FTPs allowed by cache/server 0/0
FTPs denied by cache/server 0/0
Requests dropped 0
Server timeouts/retries 0/0
Processed rate average 60s/300s 0/0 requests/second
Denied rate average 60s/300s 0/0 requests/second
Dropped rate average 60s/300s 0/0 requests/second
Server Statistics:
-------------------- UP
Vendor websense
Port 15868
Requests total/allowed/denied 151/140/11
Server timeouts/retries 0/0
Responses received 151
Response time average 60s/300s 0/0
URL Packets Sent and Received Stats:
Message Sent Received
Command Purpose
show url-server Shows information about the URL filtering server.
show url-server statistics Shows URL filtering statistics.
show url-block Shows the number of packets held in the url-block buffer and the number (if any)
dropped because of exceeding the buffer limit or retransmission.
show url-block block statistics Shows the URL block statistics.
show url-cache stats Shows the URL cache statistics.
show perfmon Shows URL filtering performance statistics, along with other performance
show filter Shows the filtering configuration.