Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter52 Configuring Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy
Configuring Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy
What to Do Next
Once you have configured the TLS within the enterprise, if necessary, configure off path signaling for
an off path deployment. See (Optional) Configuring Off Path Signaling, page52-30.
Step6 hostname(config)# crypto ca authenticate trustpoint
hostname(config)# crypto ca authenticate
Imports the certificate from local Cisco UCM.
Where trustpoint is the trustpoint for the local Cisco
Paste the certificate downloaded from the local
Cisco UCM. This certificate enables the ASA to
validate the certificate that Cisco UCM sends in the
TLS handshake.
Step7 hostname(config)# tls-proxy proxy_name
hostname(config-tlsp)# server trust-point
hostname(config-tlsp)# client trust-point
hostname(config-tlsp)# client cipher-suite
aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 3des-sha1 null-sha1
hostname(config)# tls-proxy local_to_remote-ent
hostname(config-tlsp)# server trust-point
hostname(config-tlsp)# client trust-point local-ent
hostname(config-tlsp)# client cipher-suite
aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 3des-sha1 null-sha1
Updates the TLS proxy for outbound connections.
Where proxy_name is the name you entered in
Step 1 of the task Creating the TLS Proxy.
Where proxy_trustpoint for the server trust-point
command is the name you entered in Step4 of this
Where proxy_trustpoint for the client trust-point
command is the name you entered in Step2 of the
task Creating Trustpoints and Generating
Note In this step, you are creating different
trustpoints for the client and the server.
Step8 hostname(config-tlsp)# exit Exits from TLS Proxy Configuration mode.
Step9 hostname(config)# tls-proxy proxy_name
hostname(config-tlsp)# server trust-point
hostname(config-tlsp)# client trust-point
hostname(config-tlsp)# client cipher-suite
aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 3des-sha1 null-sha1
hostname(config)# tls-proxy remote_to_local-ent
hostname(config-tlsp)# server trust-point local-ent
hostname(config-tlsp)# client trust-point
hostname(config-tlsp)# client cipher-suite
aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 3des-sha1 null-sha1
Updates the TLS proxy for inbound connections.
Where proxy_name is the name you entered in
Step 5 of the task Creating the TLS Proxy.
Where proxy_trustpoint for the server trust-point
command is the name you entered in Step2 of the
task Creating Trustpoints and Generating
Where proxy_trustpoint for the client trust-point
command is the name you entered in Step4 of this
Step10 hostname(config-tlsp)# exit Exits from TLS Proxy Configuration mode.
Step11 hostname(config)# uc-ime uc_ime_name
hostname(config-uc-ime)# ucm address ip_address
trunk-security-mode secure
hostname(config)# uc-ime local-ent-ime
hostname(config-uc-ime)# ucm address
trunk-security-mode secure
Updates the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine
Proxy for trunk-security-mode.
Where uc_ime_name is the name you entered in
Step 1 of the task Creating the Cisco Intercompany
Media Engine Proxy.
Only perform this step if you entered nonsecure in
Step 3 of the task Creating the Cisco Intercompany
Media Engine Proxy.
Commands Purpose