Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter22 Configuring Static and Default Routes
Monitoring a Static or Default Route
Detailed Steps
Command Purpose
Step1 sla monitor sla_id
hostname(config)# sla monitor sla_id
Configures the tracked object monitoring parameters by defining
the monitoring process.
If you are configuring a new monitoring process, you enter sla
monitor configuration mode.
If you are changing the monitoring parameters for an unscheduled
monitoring process that already has a type defined, you
automatically enter sla protocol configuration mode.
Step2 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho target_ip
interface if_name
hostname(config-sla-monitor)# type echo
protocol ipIcmpEcho target_ip interface
Specifies the monitoring protocol.
If you are changing the monitoring parameters for an unscheduled
monitoring process that already has a type defined, you
automatically enter sla protocol configuration mode and cannot
change this setting.
The target_ip argument is the IP address of the network object
whose availability the tracking process monitors. While this
object is available, the tracking process route is installed in the
routing table. When this object becomes unavailable, the tracking
process removes the route and the backup route is used in its
Step3 sla monitor schedule sla_id [life {forever
| seconds}] [start-time {hh:mm [:ss]
[month day | day month] | pending | now |
after hh:mm:ss}] [ageout seconds]
hostname(config)# sla monitor schedule
sla_id [life {forever | seconds}]
[start-time {hh:mm[:ss] [month day | day
month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}]
[ageout seconds] [recurring]
Schedules the monitoring process.
Typically, you will use the sla monitor schedule sla_id life
forever start-time now command for the monitoring schedule,
and allow the monitoring configuration to determine how often
the testing occurs.
However, you can schedule this monitoring process to begin in the
future and to only occur at specified times.
Step4 track track_id rtr sla_id reachability
hostname(config)# track track_id rtr
sla_id reachability
Associates a tracked static route with the SLA monitoring
The track_id argument is a tracking number you assign with this
command. The sla_id argument is the ID number of the SLA
Step5 Do one of the following to define the static route to be installed in the routing table while the tracked object is
These options allow you to track a static route or a default route obtained through DHCP or PPPOE.
route if_name dest_ip mask gateway_ip
[admin_distance] track track_id
hostname(config)# route if_name dest_ip
mask gateway_ip [admin_distance] track
Tracks a static route.
You cannot use the tunneled option with the route command in
static route tracking.