Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter5 Configuring Multiple Context Mode
Configuring Multiple Contexts
Detailed Steps
Table5-1 Resource Names and Limits
Resource Name
Rate or
Minimum and
Maximum Number
per Context System Limit1
1. If this column value is N/A, then you cannot set a percentage of the resource because there is no hard system limit for the resource.
mac-addresses Concurrent N/A 65,535 For transparent firewall mode, the number of
MAC addresses allowed in the MAC address
conns Concurrent
or Rate
N/A Concurrent connections:
See the “Supported
Feature Licenses Per
Model” section on
page 3-1 for the
connection limit for your
Rate: N/A
TCP or UDP connections between any two
hosts, including connections between one
host and multiple other hosts.
inspects Rate N/A N/A Application inspections.
hosts Concurrent N/A N/A Hosts that can connect through the ASA.
asdm Concurrent 1 minimum
5 maximum
200 ASDM management sessions.
Note ASDM sessions use two HTTPS
connections: one for monitoring that
is always present, and one for making
configuration changes that is present
only when you make changes. For
example, the system limit of 32
ASDM sessions represents a limit of
64 HTTPS sessions.
ssh Concurrent 1 minimum
5 maximum
100 SSH sessions.
syslogs Rate N/A N/A Syslog messages.
telnet Concurrent 1 minimum
5 maximum
100 Telnet sessions.
xlates Concurrent N/A N/A Address translations.
Command Purpose
Step1 class name
hostname(config)# threat-detection
scanning-threat shun except ip-address
Specifies the class name and enters the class configuration mode.
The name is a string up to 20 characters long. To set the limits for
the default class, enter default for the name.
Step2 Do one or more of the following: