Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter80 Configuring Anonymous Reporting and Smar t Call Home
Configuring Anonymous Reporting and Smart Call Home
Sending a Smart Call Home Test Message Manually
To manually send a Smart Call Home test message, perform this task:
Sending a Smart Call Home Alert Group Message Manually
To manually trigger a Call Home alert group message, perform this task:
Sending the Output of a Command
You can use the call-home send command to execute a CLI command and e-mail the command output
to Cisco or to an e-mail address that you specify.
When sending the output of a command, the following guidelines apply:
The specified CLI command can be any run command, including commands for all modules.
If you specify an e-mail address, the command output is sent to that address. If no e-mail address is
specified, the output is sent to Cisco TAC. The e-mail is sent in log text format with the service
number, if specified, in the subject line.
The service number is required only if no e-mail address is specified or if a Cisco TAC e-mail
address is specified.
To execute a CLI command and e-mail the command output, perform this task:
Command Purpose
call-home test [test-message] profile profile-name
hostname# call-home test [testing123] profile
Sends a test message using a profile configuration.
Step1 call-home send alert-group {inventory |
configuration | snapshot | telemetry}
[profile profile-name]
hostname# call-home send alert-group
Sends an inventory alert group message to one destination profile,
if specified. If no profile is specified, sends messages to all
profiles that are subscribed to the inventory or configuration
Command Purpose
call-home send cli command [email email]
hostname# call-home send cli command email
Sends command output to an e-mail address.