Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter41 Configuring Digital Certificates
Configuring Digital Certificates
Step3 crypto ca import trustpoint certificate
hostname (config)# crypto ca import Main certificate
% The fully-qualified domain name in the certificate
will be: securityappliance.example.com
Enter the base 64 encoded certificate.
End with a blank line or the word “quit” on a line
by itself
[ certificate data omitted ]
INFO: Certificate successfully imported
Imports each certificate you receive from the CA.
Requests that you paste the certificate to the terminal
in base-64 format.
Step4 show crypto ca server certificate
hostname(config)# show crypto ca server certificate
Verifies that the enrollment process was successful by
displaying certificate details issued for the ASA and
the CA certificate for the trustpoint.
Step5 write memory
hostname(config)# write memory
Saves the running configuration.
Repeat these steps for each trustpoint that you
configure for manual enrollment.
Command Purpose