Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter5 Configuring Multiple Context Mode
Managing Security Contexts
Detailed Steps
Reloading a Security Context
You can reload the context in two ways:
Clear the running configuration and then import the startup configuration.
This action clears most attributes associated with the context, such as connections and NAT tables.
Remove the context from the system configuration.
This action clears additional attributes, such as memory allocation, which might be useful for
troubleshooting. However, to add the context back to the system requires you to respecify the URL
and interfaces.
This section includes the following topics:
Reloading by Clearing the Configuration, page5-26
Reloading by Removing and Re-adding the Context, page5-27

Reloading by Clearing the Configuration

To reload the context by clearing the context configuration, and reloading the configuration from the
URL, perform the following steps.
Command Purpose
Step1 (Optional, if you do not want to perform a
changeto context name
clear configure all
hostname(config)# changeto context ctx1
hostname/ctx1(config)# clear configure all
Changes to the context and clears its configuration. If you want to
perform a merge, skip to Step 2.
Step2 changeto system
hostname/ctx1(config)# changeto system
Changes to the system execution space.
Step3 context name
hostname(config)# context ctx1
Enters the context configuration mode for the context you want to
Step4 config-url new_url
hostname(config)# config-url
Enters the new URL. The system immediately loads the context
so that it is running.