Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter80 Configuring Anonymous Reporting and Smart Call Home
Configuring Anonymous Reporting and Smart Call Home
Testing Call Home Communications
You can test Smart Call Home communications by sending messages manually using two command
types. To send a user-defined Smart Call Home test message, use the call-home test command. To send
a specific alert group message, use the call-home send command.
These sections describe Smart Call Home communication:
Sending a Smart Call Home Test Message Manually, page80-12
Sending a Smart Call Home Alert Group Message Manually, page80-12
Sending the Output of a Command, page80-12
Step5 subscribe-to-alert-group environment [severity
{catastrophic | disaster | emergencies | alert |
critical | errors | warnings | notifications |
informational | debugging}]
subscribe-to-alert-group examplealertgroupname
severity critical
Subscribes to group events with the specified
severity level. The alert group can be configured to
filter messages based on severity, as described in
Step6 subscribe-to-alert-group syslog [severity
{catastrophic | disaster | fatal | critical | major
| minor | warning | notification | normal |
debugging} [pattern string]]
subscribe-to-alert-group syslog severity
notification pattern UPDOWN
Subscribes to syslog events with a severity level or
message ID. The syslog alert group can be
configured to filter messages based on severity, as
described in Table80-1.
Step7 subscribe-to-alert-group inventory [periodic {daily
hh:mm | monthly date hh:mm | weekly day hh:mm}]
subscribe-to-alert-group inventory periodic daily
Subscribes to inventory events. The configuration
alert group can be configured for periodic
notification, as described in the “Subscribing to
Alert Groups” section on page80-9.
Step8 subscribe-to-alert-group telemetry periodic {hourly
| daily | monthly day | weekly day [hh:mm]}
subscribe-to-alert-group monthly 15
Subscribes to telemetry periodic events. The
configuration alert group can be configured for
periodic notification, as described in the
“Subscribing to Alert Groups” section on page80-9.
Step9 subscribe-to-alert-group snapshot periodic {interval
minutes | hourly | daily | monthly day_of_month |
weekly day_of_week [hh:mm]}
subscribe-to-alert-group snapshot periodic interval
weekly wendesday 23:15
Subscribes to snapshot periodic events. The
configuration alert group can be configured for
periodic notification, as described in the
“Subscribing to Alert Groups” section on page80-9.
Command Purpose