Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter67 Configuring Connection Profiles, Group Policies, and Users
Supporting a Zone Labs Integrity Server
Custom Firewall
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} custom vendor-id num product-id
num policy {AYT | CPP acl-in ACL acl-out ACL} [description string]
Zone Labs Firewalls
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} zonelabs-integrity
Note When the firewall type is zonelabs-integrity, do not include arguments. The Zone Labs Integrity Server
determines the policies.
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} zonelabs-zonealarm policy {AYT
| CPP acl-in ACL acl-out ACL}
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} zonelabs-zonealarmorpro policy
{AYT | CPP acl-in ACL acl-out ACL}
client-firewall {opt | req} zonelabs-zonealarmpro policy {AYT | CPP acl-in ACL acl-out
Sygate Personal Firewalls
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} sygate-personal
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} sygate-personal-pro
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} sygate-security-agent
Network Ice, Black Ice Firewall:
hostname(config-group-policy)# client-firewall {opt | req} networkice-blackice
Table67-4 client-firewall Command Keywords and Variables
Parameter Description
acl-in ACL Provides the policy the client uses for inbound traffic.
acl-out ACL Provides the policy the client uses for outbound traffic.
AYT Specifies that the client PC firewall application controls the firewall
policy. The ASA checks to make sure that the firewall is running. It
asks, “Are You There?” If there is no response, the ASA tears down
the tunnel.
cisco-integrated Specifies Cisco Integrated firewall type.
cisco-security-agent Specifies Cisco Intrusion Prevention Security Agent firewall type.
CPP Specifies Policy Pushed as source of the VPN client firewall policy.
custom Specifies Custom firewall type.
description string Describes the firewall.
networkice-blackice Specifies Network ICE Black ICE firewall type.