Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
AppendixB Addresses, Protocols, and Ports
TCP and UDP Ports
klogin TCP 543 KLOGIN
kshell TCP 544 Korn Shell
ldap TCP 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
ldaps TCP 636 Lightweight Directory A ccess Protocol (SSL)
lpd TCP 515 Line Printer Daemon - printer spooler
login TCP 513 Remote login
lotusnotes TCP 1352 IBM Lotus Notes
mobile-ip UDP 434 MobileIP-Agent
nameserver UDP 42 Host Name Server
netbios-ns UDP 137 NetBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm UDP 138 NetBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn TCP 139 NetBIOS Session Service
nntp TCP 119 Network News Transfer Protocol
ntp UDP 123 Network Time Protocol
pcanywhere-status UDP 5632 pcAnywhere status
pcanywhere-data TCP 5631 pcAnywhere data
pim-auto-rp TCP, UDP 496 Protocol Independent Multicast, reverse path
flooding, dense mode
pop2 TCP 109 Post Office Protocol - Version 2
pop3 TCP 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
pptp TCP 1723 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
radius UDP 1645 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
radius-acct UDP 1646 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
rip UDP 520 Routing Information Protocol
secureid-udp UDP 5510 SecureID over UDP
smtp TCP 25 Simple Mail Transport Protocol
snmp UDP 161 Simple Network Management Protocol
snmptrap UDP 162 Simple Network Management Protocol - Trap
sqlnet TCP 1521 Structured Query Language Network
ssh TCP 22 Secure Shell
sunrpc (rpc) TCP, UDP 111 Sun Remote Procedure Call
syslog UDP 514 System Log
tacacs TCP, UDP 49 Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
talk TCP, UDP 517 Talk
telnet TCP 23 RFC 854 Telnet
TableB-7 Port Literal Values (conti nued)
Literal TCP or UDP? Value Description