Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter1 Introduction to the Cisco ASA 5500 Series
New Features
Released: May 23, 2011
Table 1 -6 lists the new features for ASA Version 8.2(5).
IF-MIB ifAlias OID support The ASA now supports the ifAlias OID. When you browse the IF-MIB, the ifAlias OID will
be set to the value that has been set for the interface description.
Also available in Version 8.2(5).
Interface Features
Support for Pause Frames
for Flow Control on
1-Gigabit Ethernet Interface
You can now enable pause (XOFF) frames for flow control on 1-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces;
support was previously added for 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces in 8.2(2).
Also available in Version 8.2(5).
Management Features
Increased SSH security; the
SSH default username is no
longer supported
Starting in 8.4(2), you can no longer connect to the ASA using SSH with the pix or asa
username and the login password. To use SSH, you must configure AAA authentication using
the aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL command (CLI) or Configuration > Device
Management > Users/AAA > AAA Access > Authentication (ASDM); then define a local user
by entering the username command (CLI) or choosing Configuration > Device Management
> Users/AAA > User Accounts (ASDM). If you want to use a AAA server for authentication
instead of the local database, we recommend also configuring local authentication as a backup
Unified Communications Features
Interoperability with H.323
H.323 Inspection now supports uni-directional signaling for two-way video sessions. This
enhancement allows H.323 Inspection of one-way video conferences supported by Tandberg
video phones. Supporting uni-directional signaling allows Tandberg phones to switch video
modes (close their side of an H.263 video session and reopen the session using H.264, the
compression standard for high-definition video).
Also available in Version 8.2(5).
Routing Features
Timeout for connections
using a backup static route
When multiple static routes exist to a network with different metrics, the ASA uses the one with
the best metric at the time of connection creation. If a better route becomes available, then this
timeout lets connections be closed so a connection can be reestablished to use the better route.
The default is 0 (the connection never times out). To take advantage of this feature, change the
timeout to a new value.
Also available in Version 8.2(5).
Table1-5 New Features for ASA Version 8.4(2) (continued)
Feature Description
Table1-6 New Features for ASA Version 8.2(5)
Feature Description
Monitoring Features
Smart Call-Home
Anonymous Reporting
Customers can now help to improve the ASA platform by enabling Anonymous Reporting, which
allows Cisco to securely receive minimal error and health information from the device.
Also available in Version 8.4(2).