Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter41 Configuring Digital Certificates
Configuring Digital Certificates
policy both
hostname (config-ca-crl)# policy both
Configures retrieval policy. CRLs are retrieved from
CRL distribution points specified in authenticated
certificates and from URLs that you configure.
To continue, go to Step 4.
Step4 url n url
hostname (config-ca-crl)# url 2
If you used the keywords static or both when you
configured the CRL policy, you must configure
URLs for CRL retrieval. You can enter up to five
URLs, ranked 1 through 5. The n is the rank assigned
to the URL. To remove a URL, use the no url n
Step5 protocol http | ldap | scep
hostname (config-ca-crl)# protocol http
Configures the retrieval method. Specifies HTTP,
LDAP, or SCEP as the CRL retrieval method.
Step6 cache-time refresh-time
hostname (config-ca-crl)# cache-time 420
Configures how long the ASA caches CRLs for the
current trustpoint. refresh-ti me is the number of
minutes that the ASA waits before considering a
CRL stale.
Step7 Do one of the following:
hostname (config-ca-crl)# enforcenextupdate
Requires the NextUpdate field in CRLs. This is the
default setting.
no enforcenextupdate
hostname (config-ca-crl)# no enforcenextupdate
Allows the NextUpdate field to be absent in CRLs.
Step8 ldap-defaults server
hostname (config-ca-crl)# ldap-defaults ldap1
Identifies the LDAP server to the ASA if LDAP is
specified as the retrieval protocol. You can specify
the server by DNS hostname or by IP address. You
can also provide a port number if the server listens
for LDAP queries on a port other than the default of
Note If you use a hostname instead of an IP
address to specify the LDAP server, make
sure that you have configured the ASA to use
Step9 ldap-dn admin-DN password
hostname (config-ca-crl)# ldap-dn
cn=admin,ou=devtest,o=engineering c00lRunZ
Allows CRL retrieval if the LDAP server requires
Command Purpose