Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter67 Configuring Connection Profiles, Group Policies, and Users
Configuring User Attributes
AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
keep-alive ignore
HTTP compression
The following example shows how to enter username webvpn configuration mode for the username
anyuser attributes:
hostname(config)# username anyuser attributes
hostname(config-username)# webvpn
Specifying the Content/Objects to Filter from the HTML
To filter Java, ActiveX, images, scripts, and cookies for clientless SSL VPN sessions for this user, enter
the html-content-filter command in username webvpn configuration mode. To remove a content filter,
enter the no form of this command. To remove all content filters, including a null value created by
issuing the html-content-filter none command, enter the no form of this command without arguments.
The no option allows inheritance of a value from the group policy. To prevent inheriting an HTML
content filter, enter the html-content-filter none command. HTML filtering is disabled by default.
Using the command a second time overrides the previous setting.
hostname(config-username-webvpn)# html-content-filter {java | images | scripts | cookies |
hostname(config-username-webvpn)# no html-content-filter [java | images | scripts |
cookies | none]
The keywords used in this command are as follows:
cookies—Removes cookies from images, providing limited ad filtering and privacy.
images—Removes references to images (removes <IMG> tags).
java—Removes references to Java and ActiveX (removes <EMBED>, <APPLET>, and <OBJECT>
none—Indicates that there is no filtering. Sets a null value, thereby disallowing filtering. Prevents
inheriting filtering values.
scripts—Removes references to scripting (removes <SCRIPT> tags).
The following example shows how to set filtering of JAVA and ActiveX, cookies, and images for the user
named anyuser:
hostname(config)# username anyuser attributes
hostname(config-username)# webvpn
hostname(config-username-webvpn)# html-content-filter java cookies images
Specifying the User Home Page
To specify a URL for the web page that displays when this user logs into clientless SSL VPN session,
enter the homepage command in username webvpn configuration mode. To remove a configured home
page, including a null value created by issuing the homepage none command, enter the no form of this
command. The no option allows inheritance of a value from the group policy. To prevent inheriting a
home page, enter the homepage none command.