Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter6 Starting Interface Configuration (ASA 5510 and Higher)
Monitoring Interfaces
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Monitoring Interfaces
To monitor interfaces, enter one of the following commands:
Configuration Examples for ASA 5510 and Higher Interfaces
This section includes the following topics:
Physical Interface Parameters Example, page 6-33
Subinterface Parameters Example, page6-33
Multiple Context Mode Example, page6-34
EtherChannel Example, page 6-34

Physical Interface Parameters Example

The following example configures parameters for the physical interface in single mode:
interface gigabitethernet 0/1
speed 1000
duplex full
no shutdown

Subinterface Parameters Example

The following example configures parameters for a subinterface in single mode:
Command Purpose
show interface Displays interface statistics.
show interface ip brief Displays interface IP addresses and status.
show lacp {[channel_group_number] {counters
| internal | neighbor} | sys-id}
For EtherChannel, displays LACP information such as traffic statistics,
system identifier and neighbor details.
show port-channel [channel_group_number]
[brief | detail | port | protocol |
For EtherChannel, displays EtherChannel information in a detailed and
one-line summary form. This command also displays the port and
port-channel information.
show port-channel channel_group_number
load-balance [hash-result {ip | ipv6 |
l4port | mac | mixed | vlan-only}
For EtherChannel, displays port-channel load-balance information along
with the hash result and member interface selected for a given set of