Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Adding a Webtype Access List
Webtype access lists are added to a configuration that supports filtering for clientless SSL VPN. This
chapter describes how to add an access list to the configuration that supports filtering for WebVPN.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Licensing Requirements for Webtype Access Lists, page18-1
Guidelines and Limitations, page18-1
Default Settings, page18-2
Using Webtype Access Lists, page18-2
What to Do Next, page 18-5
Monitoring Webtype Access Lists, page18-5
Configuration Examples for Webtype Access Lists, page18-5
Feature History for Webtype Access Lists, page1 8-7

Licensing Requirements for Webtype Access Lists

The following table shows the licensing requirements for this feature:
Guidelines and Limitations
This section includes the guidelines and limitations for this feature:
Context Mode Guidelines, page18-1
Firewall Mode Guidelines, page18-2
Additional Guidelines and Limitations, page18-2
Context Mode Guidelines
Supported in single and multiple context mode.
Model License Requirement
All models Base License.