Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter80 Configuring Anonymous Reporting and Smart Call Home
Configuring Anonymous Reporting and Smart Call Home
Configuring the Mail Server
We recommend that you use HTTPS for message transport, as it is the most secure. However, you can
configure an e-mail destination for Smart Call Home and then configure the mail server to use the e-mail
message transport.
To configure the mail server, perform this task:
This example shows the configuration of a primary mail server (named”smtp.example.com”) and a
secondary mail server at IP address
hostname# configure terminal
hostname(config)# call-home
ciscoasa(cfg-call-home)# mail-server smtp.example.com priority 1
ciscoasa(cfg-call-home)# mail-server priority 2
ciscoasa(cfg-call-home)# exit
Configuring Call Home Traffic Rate Limiting
You can configure this optional setting to specify the number of messages that Smart Call Home sends
per minute.
To configure Smart Call Home traffic rate limiting, perform this task:
Command Purpose
Step1 call-home
hostname(config)# call-home
Enters call home configuration mode.
Step2 mail-server ip-address | name priority 1-100 all
ciscoasa(cfg-call-home)# mail-server
smtp.example.com priority 1
Specifies the SMTP mail server. Customers can
specify up to five mail servers. At least one mail
server is required for using e-mail transport for
Smart Call Home messages.
The lower the number, the higher the priority of the
mail server.
The ip-address option can be an IPv4 or IPv6 mail
server address.
Command Purpose
Step1 call-home
hostname(config)# call-home
Enters call home configuration mode.
Step2 rate-limit msg-count
ciscoasa(cfg-call-home)# rate-limit 5
Specifies the number of messages that Smart Call
Home can send per minute. The default value is 10
messages per minute.