Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter81 Managing Software and Configurations
Downgrading Your Software
asa5510: Cisco 5510 ASA
asa5520: Cisco 5520 ASA
asa5540: Cisco 5540 ASA
The url url-string parameter specifies the URL for the software/firmware image. This URL must point
to a file appropriate for this client. For all Auto Update clients, you must use the protocol “http://” or
“https://” as the prefix for the URL.
Configure the parameters for the client update that you want to apply to all ASAs of a particular type.
That is, specify the type of ASA and the URL or IP address from which to get the updated image. In
addition, you must specify a revision number. If the revision number of the remote ASA matches one of
the specified revision numbers, there is no need to update the client, and the update is ignored.
To configure a client update for Cisco 5520 ASAs, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# client-update type asa5520 component asdm url rev-nums 8.0(1)

Viewing Auto Update Status

To view the Auto Update status, enter the following command:
hostname(config)# show auto-update
The following is sample output from the show auto-update command:
hostname(config)# show auto-update
Server: https://********@
Certificate will be verified
Poll period: 720 minutes, retry count: 2, retry period: 5 minutes
Timeout: none
Device ID: host name [corporate]
Next poll in 4.93 minutes
Last poll: 11:36:46 PST Tue Nov 13 2004
Last PDM update: 23:36:46 PST Tue Nov 12 2004
Downgrading Your Software
When you upgrade to Version 8.3, your configuration is migrated. The old configuration is automatically
stored in flash memory. For example, when you upgrade from Version 8.2(1) to 8.3(1), the old 8.2(1)
configuration is stored in flash memory in a file called 8_2_1_0_startup_cfg.sav.
Note You must manually restore the old configuration before downgrading.
This section describes how to downgrade and includes the following topics:
Information About Activation Key Compatibility, page81-20
Performing the Downgrade, page81-20