Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter13 Configuring Objects
Configuring Objects and Groups
You only need to specify the admin object group in your ACE as follows:
hostname (config)# access-list ACL_IN extended permit ip object-group admin host

Removing Object Groups

You can remove a specific object group or remove all object groups of a specified type; however, you
cannot remove an object group or make an object group empty if it is used in an access list.

Detailed Step

Monitoring Objects and Groups
To monitor objects and groups, enter the following commands:
Step1 Do one of the following:
no object-group grp_id
hostname(config)# no object-group
Removes the specified object group. The grp_id is a text string up
to 64 characters in length and can be any combination of letters,
digits, and the following characters:
underscore “_”
dash “-”
period “.”
clear object-group [protocol | network |
services | icmp-type]
hostname(config)# clear-object group
Removes all object groups of the specified type.
Note If you do not enter a type, all object groups are removed.
Command Purpose
show access-list Displays the access list entries that are expanded
out into individual entries without their object
show running-config object-group Displays all current object groups.
show running-config object-group grp_id Displays the current object groups by their group
show running-config object-group grp_type Displays the current object groups by their group