Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using the CLI
Chapter27 Configuring EIGRP
Monitoring EIGRP
To disable EIGRP split horizon, perform the following steps:
Detailed Steps

Restarting the EIGRP Process

To restart an EIGRP process or clear redistribution or counters, enter the following command:
Monitoring EIGRP
You can use the following commands to monitor the EIGRP routing process. For examples and
descriptions of the command output, see the command reference. Additionally, you can disable the
logging of neighbor change messages and neighbor warning messages.
To monitor or disable various EIGRP routing statistics, enter one of the following commands:
Command Purpose
Step1 interface phy_if
hostname(config)# interface phy_if
Enters interface configuration mode for the interface on which
you are changing the delay value used by EIGRP.
Step2 no split-horizon eigrp as-number
hostname(config-if)# no split-horizon
eigrp 2
Disables the split horizon.
Command Purpose
clear eigrp pid {1-65535 | neighbors | topology |
hostname(config)# clear eigrp pid 10 neighbors
Restarts an EIGRP process or clears redistribution or counters.
Command Purpose
Monitoring EIGRP Routing
show eigrp [as-number] events [{start end}
| type]
Displays the EIGRP event log.
show eigrp [as-number] neighbors [detail |
static] [if-name]
Displays the EIGRP neighbor table.
show eigrp [as-number] interfaces [if-name]
Displays the interfaces participating in EIGRP
show eigrp [as-number] topology [ip-addr
[mask] | active | all-links | pending |
summary | zero-successors]
Displays the EIGRP topology table.