Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
7.2.1MONITOR_LINK – Configure Link in Monitoring Mode
The MONITOR_LINK command allows the user to configure a signaling link or ATM link to operate in monitoring only mode. The command is differentiated based on the data rate parameter. Received signaling messages are passed directly to a user application without further processing. If an ATM link is specified, multiple MONITOR_LINK commands may reference the same ATM cell stream provided the cell stream VPI- VCI combination is unique.
Note: Often, applications that use MONITOR_LINK also require the line interfaces to operate in high impedance mode. When using DSI SS7MD Boards, high impedance mode can be selected for a particular LIU using the <liu_type> parameter in the LIU_CONFIG command.
Note: The <filter> and <phys_mask> parameters are reserved and should be set to 0.
MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <board_id> <blink> <stream> <timeslot> <user_module> <filter> <flags> <phys_mask> [<data_rate>]
MONITOR_LINK 0 0 0 0 16 0x0d 0 0x0000 0x00 TDM
ATM Links
MONITOR_LINK <link_id> <board_id> <blink> <atm_stream>
Common Parameters
The MONITOR_LINK command includes the following parameters:
The unique logical identity of the link. It must be in the range 0 to one less than the total number of signaling links supported.
The module ID of the process that will receive the incoming signaling messages, passed as API_MSG_RX_IND or API_MSG_RX_INDT messages.
For DSI SS7MD Boards, not applicable. Set to 0.
—Bit 0 - Set to 1 to enable timestamping of messages monitored by the board for this link. The monitored messages are received in the API_MSG_RX_INDT message type to accommodate the timestamp as well as the received message.
—Bit 1 - Enable Fill In Signal Units (FISUs) monitoring.
—Bit 10 - Set to the same value as in the MTP_LINK command.
—Bit 11 - Set to the same value as in the MTP_LINK command.
—Bit 12 - Set to the same value as in the MTP_LINK command.
—All other bits are reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
For DSI SS7MD Boards, not applicable. Set to 0.