3 Installation
3.1Software Packages
This manual describes the installation and use of the following software:
Development Package
User Part Development Package
Binary for Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Network Interface Boards
3.1.1Development Package
Different variants of the Development Package are available for the supported operating systems. Each Development Package contains:
a device driver
library functions and header files for use by an application
a number of executables to be run as part of the software environment
a utility to configure the protocol software
Instructions for installing each variant of the Development Package are provided later in this chapter.
3.1.2User Part Development Package
The User Part Development Package contains:
example source code to illustrate the techniques used for interfacing with the protocol modules
This package is distributed as a ZIP file and a tar file. Both distributions have the same content and are applicable to all supported operating systems. The contents of the User Part Development Package should be extracted onto the development machine retaining the
3.1.3Binary for Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Network Interface Boards
The binary file contains the operating software for DSI SS7MD Boards. The binary file (also known as the codefile) is downloaded to the board at runtime by the driver program. Codefiles for DSI SS7MD Boards have a file suffix .dc6 and should not be confused with codefiles for other products that use different suffixes.
Two code file images are currently available for the DSI SS7MD Board:
ss7.dc6 codefile includes protocol options SS7 LSL, HSL, and ATM, and a monitoring option
ima.dc6 codefile includes protocol options ATM and IMA, and support for monitoring these protocols
Other codefiles offering different sets of functionality may also be available. The appropriate codefile is used in conjunction with the software to determine the protocols that the user is authorized to run.
The codefile must be copied onto the target machine maintaining binary file integrity. Subsequently, the codefile is downloaded to the board at runtime.