Dialogic® DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
The s7_play utility is a console application that reads commands from as ASCII text file then executes the commands. Each command can specify either:
a message to be sent to a destination process
a delay to apply before the next command is executed
Command Line Options
The s7_play utility supports the following command line options:
Specifies the unique module ID that is assigned to s7_play for the inter process communication (IPC) environment. Any message that is sent to this module ID is displayed by the s7_log utility as text on the host console. The module ID may be entered in decimal or hexadecimal (prefixed by ‘0x’) format. If the module ID is not specified, the s7_play utility uses a module ID of 0xef. The module ID assigned to the s7_play utility must have a corresponding LOCAL entry in the host’s system.txt file and must not be in use by any other process on the host.
Specifies the text file that contains the commands to be executed by the s7_play utility.
To run s7_play with module ID 0x3d and accept commands from a file called cmd.txt, the command is:
Text File Format
Each line in the text file must begin with one of the command specifiers in the following table:
Character | Function |
M | Send a message |
D | Delay |
W | Send a message and wait for a response |
P | Pause and wait for a specified message type to be received |
*Ignore (comment line)
The Delay function (D) takes a single parameter specifying the delay in either milliseconds
Note: The delay value may be in the range 0000 to FFFF.
The Send Message function (M) allows the fields of the message to be specified in the following format:
The meaning of the various options is shown in the following table:
Field Identifier | Length (in characters) | Message Field |
I | 2 | Instance |
t | 4 | type |
i | 4 | id |
f | 2 | src |