Appendix A Protocol Configuration Using Discrete Messages
9.Build and send an MTP3 Signaling Link Configuration Request (MTP_MSG_CNF_LINK) to set up configuration parameters for the individual link. See the MTP3 Programmer’s Manual for the message definition. Wait for the confirmation message and check the status.
For each link set in the system perform the following:
10.Build and send an MTP3 Link Set Configuration Request (MTP_MSG_CNF_LINKSET) to set up configuration parameters for the individual link set (for example, local and adjacent point codes and the number of links in the link set). See the MTP3 Programmer’s Manual for the message definition. Wait for the confirmation message and check the status.
11.For each destination that needs to be accessed (including all adjacent signaling points), build and send an MTP Route Configuration Request (MTP_MSG_CNF_ROUTE) to set up configuration parameters for the route. See the MTP3 Programmer’s Manual for the message definition. Wait for the confirmation message and check the status.
Proceed now with the User Part configuration procedure. Once this is complete, issue an MTP Link Activation Request (MTP_MSG_ACT_SL) for each link in the system as required to bring the link into service.
Further links, link sets and routes may be dynamically added at runtime using the same message sequences.